What is dialogue facilitation?

The goal of dialogue facilitation is to create a space in which participants can broaden perspectives by actively listening, sharing, and engaging across lines of differences.

In our globalized and increasingly polarized world, I believe dialogue is an essential tool. It’s my aim to use it to help us to find our common humanity and find new constructive ways to engage during times of conflict.

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Some of my dialogue facilitation work


I co-founded AMENA Vlogs, a new 6- week virtual exchange program connecting youth from the US, Yemen and Iraq through cross-cultural dialogues and vlog projects.

I led weekly dialogues on topics including education, religion, gender, and identity. Participants learned about vlog planning, filming and editing to create & publish their final vlogs.

AMENA Vlogs was made possible by the Stevens Initiative at the Aspen Institute, an international effort to enhance global understanding through virtual exchange.


Soliya is a global virtual exchange organization that teaches young adults to approach differences constructively.

As a Dialogue Facilitator at Soliya for more than 2 years, I plan and co-facilitate semester-long sessions with university students from the US, Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.

Through weekly discussions and activities, my co-facilitator and I guide students to enhance communication and reflection skills, improve attitudes toward differences, and engage their broader communities.

Seeds of Peace

Seeds of Peace is a leadership development organization committed to transforming legacies of conflict into courage to lead change.

As a Dialogue Facilitator, I collaborated with my co-facilitator(s) to plan and lead daily in-person dialogue sessions for high school campers from the US, South Asia and Middle East.

Through our daily dialogues, we helped youth understand the diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives of their peers, along with the root causes of conflict and injustice.